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The Science of Play: How Digital Games Boost Cognitive Development

Play isn’t just a pastime—it’s a gateway to play-based learning that offers an intuitive source of joy and connection. Add digital games to the mix, and you have a creative, modern way to connect with young minds during sessions. According to the World Health Organization, one in seven youth experience mental health challenges, which often go unrecognized and untreated.

By Sophia Buu
Customer Success Team

This leaves a large portion of our youth vulnerable to stigma, social exclusion, educational challenges, and health risks, which can become quite stressful with the addition of everyday challenges, peer pressure, and identity exploration. From our earliest memories, play has been a natural way to relieve stress and build positive relationships with ourselves and others. Yet somewhere along the way, the importance of play becomes overlooked. When we give youth the chance to play, we’re not just helping them reconnect with their natural instinct to have fun, we’re also enhancing vital cognitive skills like memory, problem-solving, and critical thinking—a much-needed reminder that growth and joy can go hand in hand!

The Cognitive Benefits of Digital Play

Practical Tips to Boost Cognitive Growth with Digital Games

Digital games offer an evidence-based, engaging approach to cognitive development, enhancing therapy by making it not only enjoyable but highly effective. By embracing the cognitive benefits of digital play, therapists can design sessions that are both captivating and impactful. As virtual therapy keeps growing, it opens up exciting new ways to use digital games to boost growth and cognitive development. Creativity and attunement to play makes learning feel natural which helps young clients thrive mentally and emotionally while having a blast!

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